Choirbook 8
SHELF MARK | Basilica di San Marco, Libri musicali 8 |
SHORT TITLE | [Giovanni Rovetta]: 1 Magnificat |
IDENTIFIER | DOI: 10.14277/unive/vmo/soundstmark/2017/choirbook8 |
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION | 13 sheets: 1 front flyleaf (added during restoration in 2015) 11 sheets (original) 1 back flyleaf (added during restoration in 2015) In-plano. Maximum sheet size (mm): 522 (height) x 380 (width) Original numbering of folios from ‘2’ to ‘10’ located in the upper right corner of each recto beginning on the second original sheet. |
BINDING | The choirbook has a paper cover with two flyleaves, respectively at the front and back of the manuscript. Before restoration in 2015 the manuscript was uncovered, and the three gatherings were sewn together in cord. |
Paper: 1 type Chain line width (mm): 28 Watermark 1 (corner of sheet): Trefoil with letters ‘S’ ‘S’ |
DATING | 1682 / 1683 |
COPYIST(S) | de Sartis, Giovanni Francesco |
INVENTORY | Marchio Angeli (1720) no. 46 |
NOTES | A payment made by the Procuratoria di San Marco on 13 April 1683 probably relates to the compilation of this manuscript (I-Vas, Procuratori de supra, Chiesa, reg. 148, fol. 50v): ‘Hanno anco gli sopraddetti Ill[ustrissi]mi, et Ecc[ellentissi]mi Sig[no]ri Proc[urato]ri terminato, che de’ danari della Cassa della Chiesa sian pagate due polize de lire tresento quarantanove soldi doi a Giovanni Francesco Sarti, et al Padre Maestro Pesaro Carmelitano per intiera soddisfazione delle copie da loro fatte della Messa; Magnificat, Motteti, et Inni del già Maestro di Capella Roeti, et altre d’un altro libro di Canto fermo, et due d’altri inni compreso, la Carta rigata il tutto per servizio della medesima, come nelle dette polize de Pre Nadal Monferato attual Maesto di quella, de’ dì 30 Nov[embr]e, et 8. Marzo pross[im]i passati sottoscritte dall’Eccellentissimo Cassier, à quali s’abbino relazione, et sic.’ |
LITERATURE | Collarile: Suono dell’eterno Moore: Ceremoniale Moore: Vespers at St Mark’s Passadore, Rossi: San Marco, no. 1923 |
Choirbook 8_01
INCIPIT | Et exultavit spiritus meus |
COMPOSER | Anonymous Rovetta, Giovanni Other attributions: Biffi, Giovanni Croce, Giovanni |
DESCRIPTION | Et exultavit spiritus meus (fols [1]v-3r) Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est (fols 3v-4r) Fecit potentiam in brachio suo (fols 4v-6r) Esurientes implevit bonis (fols 6v-7r) Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros (fols 7v-9r) Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper (fols 9v-11r) |
SCORING | 4 / 5 vocal parts: Cantus, Altus, Altus Sec[und]us, Tenor, Bassus |
CLEFS | C1, C3, C3, C4, F4 |
LITURGICAL SOURCE | Magnificat, verses 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 (PD, fol. 86r-v) |
LITURGICAL FEAST | Liturgy of the Hours, Vespers |
LITURGICAL SOURCE | Magnificat, verses 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 (PD, fol. 86r-v) |
TEXT | 2 Et exultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo. 4 Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius. 6 Fecit potentiam in brachio suo, dispersit superbos mente cordis sui. 8 Esurientes implevit bonis et divites dimisit inanes. 10 Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros Abraham et semini eius in saecula. 12 Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. |
OTHER SOURCES | I-CHc, 50.D.45 (=17844) I-Vnm, It. IV 1134 (=10949) |
NOTES | The Magnificat is anonymous in the source. It is described as ‘very probably’ by Giovanni Biffi on a label attached by Matteo Tosi to the upper right corner of the front cover (exterior). It is attributed to Giovanni Rovetta in I-Vnm, It. IV 1134 (=10949) and to Giovanni Croce in I-CHc 50.D.45 (=17844): cf. Boscolo Cucco: Catalogo, no. 865 (for I-CHc) and Collarile: Suono dell’eterno. |
LITERATURE | Boscolo Cucco: Catalogo, no. 865 Caffi: San MarcoCollarile: Suono dell’eterno Moore: Ceremoniale Moore: Vespers at St Mark’s Passadore, Rossi: San Marco, no. 1923 |